Friday, December 13, 2013


            This project will be completed using mixed methods research and utilizing the numbers and data of quantitative research and the survey methods of qualitative research. Neither qualitative nor quantitative quite solves this problem and as such both methods are needed. Action Research has been deemed not quite accurate for this project because some testing and research will need to be done and completed to gain access to the iPads and then more research will be done. Thus, this project cannot be done with research being collected as it goes.
The qualitative methods that will be used will be survey of students involved in the project both before and after access and use of the iPads, survey of the administration in the school, and survey of various art teachers in the same district and in other districts. Students will be surveyed on their interest of art, interest in past grades when taking art, ways iPads can and should be used and level of interest in using them for art, and quality of work created through using the iPads. Quantitative methods will be used to study grades of students before, during and after iPad use in the classroom, attendance in art class calculated during prior, present and post iPad use, and quality of work produced based upon a point-system rubric. All of the above mentioned research will bring about a well-rounded project which points to the ways students can use iPads in the classroom, their impact on accessing different types of learners and their ability to gain better quality of work out of students.

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